Association for Systemic Solutions

according to Bert Hellinger:


3rd International Conference

on Family Constellations


May 1 – 4, 2001 In Würzburg, Germany


The family constellation work as developed by Bert Hellinger has powerfully expanded during the last years within the German speaking countries and it is strongly gaining in significance intemationally.  By the professional community it is considered one of the most important developments in contemporary psychotherapy. The constellation work however goes beyond psychotherapy.  In severe collective entanglements involving heavy guilt and suffering it may become a deeply moving and a powerfully changing way of reconciliation.


The topics of the conference:


-        Basics:

Introduction to the present-day state of family constellations including theoretical overview, in depth understanding of the phenomenological attitude essential in the constellation work and first hand practical experience


-        Further development:

A lively documentation of the constellation work's further creative development in the therapeutic, educational, legal, intercultural and political fields.  Current and projected research on the results of the constellation work will be presented.


-        The main focus of the conference:

Perspectives for solutions in ethnic conflicts

Conflicts in families and communities caused by differences in religion, culture and shared history; their consequences in the unconscious of the individiual, of the famiiy and of the nation; the transgenerational transmission of these consequences; attempts for solutions which may promote the bridging between psychotherapy and political decisions: These subjects will be thoroughly investigated in lectures and in workshops.

From different nations “psycho-political” projects will be presented which have proved to be successfull.


Bert Hellinger live: for 1 l/2 days Bert Hellinger will demonstrate his work with families involved in ethnic conflicts.  The constellation work will also be demonstrated as a most effective tool for supervision when therapists from the audience present difficult cases of families in ethnic conflicts.


Project contest: A project will be awarded which implements or plans a project in the social field applying the constellations approach in creative and effective ways.  The awarding will be performed by the audience and by a coordinating jury, and includes the decision on a considerable financial support for the project.


Conference language: English and German with simultaneous translation during the plenary meetings. According to the needs there will be simultaneous or consecutive translation support in the other meetings.


Organisation, lnformation, Application:


Institute for Systems Constellations

Dr. Med. Albrecht Mahr, Mittlerer Dalienbergweg 37 a, D - 97082 Würzburg

Tel. +49-(0)-931-7840100, Fax -7840101, e-mail:


In connnection with the

3rd lntemational Conference on Famlly Constellations

May 1 - 4, 2001 in Würzburg, Germany:


International Bert Hellinger Intensive


May 5 - 15, 2001 near Würzburg, Germany


10 day residencial opportunity to learn the Bert Hellinger approach to working with famlly constellations and the hidden symmetries of relationship systems.


This intensive residencial workshop provides an opportunity to learn the appraoch to working with family constellations developed by Bert Hellinger and his co-workers, and to understanding the hidden systemic orders of love operating in human relationship systems. It is organizad to meet the needs of persons from all countries.  For this reason, the course language is English and the course is scheduled in conjunction with the Third Internacional Conference dedicated to Bert Hellinger’s approach.


The structure of the workshop

The basic learning context is the experiencial small group.  These groups of approximately 25 participants provide continuity during the workshop, and each small group will work with three or four different leaders to have exposure to a variety of styles and emphasis. The small groups will meet for 6 hours each working day.  Because learning this approach is primariiy experiencial, readiness to use the groups for personal exploration is a prerequisite for learning.  In addition to small group work, opportunities will be provided for theoretical discussion and reflection, as well as administrative meetings as necessary.



This intensive workshop is open to practicioners of all helping professions including psychotherapists and counselors, clergy, community workers, teachers and consultants. lt is the responsibility of each participant to limit the application of this approach to those clients and situations for which one has the appropriate qualifications. This workshop does not qualify paticipants to practice psychotherapy, and no certificate of qualification will be issued.



The teaching staff are all experienced psychotherapists with a long association with Bert Hellinger, and have been personally recommended by him.


Fees, payment, scholarship

The basic fee for the workshop is DEM 2500 / Euro 1250.  Room and board are extra.  Scholarships are available on the basis of documented need.  All scholarship arrangements must be completed in advance.



Application by mail or fax to the Program Administrator:

Dr. Med. Gunthard Weber

Schlosshof 6,

D - 69168 Wiesioch, Germany.

Telephone:  +49 - (0)6222-92890, Fax - 928922


Further lnformation

For additional information, please contact the Program Director:

Hunter Beaumont, PhD., Baader Str. 84

D - 80469 Muenchen

Telephone: +49-(0)89-20239521, Fax - 20239522, 
